Merry Berry Breakfast Bowl

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2024

If you are anything at all like me, you want your first meal of the day to be quick and easy, so that you can GET ON with your day.

That may be why so many folks may be tempted  to a "coffee and donut".  It's quick.  It's easy.

But you - and I - also want whatever we put into our bodies to be nutrient-dense, so that we will have the "omph" to get us through whatever demands and challenges the day presents.

As you may already know, I usually start my day with a glass of lemon water followed by a green drink (Greens+ Original Superfood, Mixed Berry).  This helps to alkalize my body,  Diseases have a harder time taking hold in an alkalized body, you know!

Three months ago I also started adding the energizing "everything" supplement,  Life Extension Mix powder to my morning routine and now I'm hooked - in a good way.  [If you want to give it a try and experience its multiple benefits for yourself, remember to  enter LJI8112 for discount.]

I'm also a BIG fan of smoothies so, on most days, that is how I round out my first meal of the day.

But sometimes it's nice to have something to actually chew, don't you agree?

That's why I was delighted to be introduced to Merry Berry Breakfast Bowl.  And now I am introducing this recipe to you!

Merry Berry Breakfast Bowl takes under 5 minutes to throw together.  Seriously, SUPER easy.  Nourishing, satisfying - and tastes a little bit like a dessert (without  high amounts of sugar, of course).

This breakfast is a balanced combination of protein (yogurt and nuts); healthy fats (nuts, chia, and coconut); and antioxidants (thanks to berries!)  And just about every ingredient in this recipe contributes to the high-fiber content.

It's the perfect combination, really, for stabilizing blood sugar levels throughout the day, keeping sugar cravings at bay, boosting energy, and promoting health.   Now, THAT is something a coffee and donut cannot do!


 Merry Berry Breakfast Bowl


1/2 cup yogurt (Greek, if dairy-tolerant; almond, if you're like me.)

1/4 cup berries, fresh or frozen (I love blueberries in this!)

1/2 cup nuts of choice  (Walnut pieces work well.)

1/2 tablespoon chia seeds

1 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut (mixed in or reserve for garnish)

1 -2 teaspoons monk fruit or stevia  (Or a slight drizzle of pure maple syrup, to taste)


  • Mix all ingredients into a fancy serving dish (or any plain old bowl) and enjoy.  It really is that simple.




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